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Kotlin std-function: apply() and also()

A little notes about apply() and also() function on kotlin

     4 minutes to read

After learning a kotlin and made some apps with it, I came to the realisation that there are a lot of my code that still not use "the kotlin-ways" to solve a problem.
And maybe someone will says like "It's okay, as long as your app is works and you can bought a starbucks coffee from it".

Yeah that is the another reason why I code, I do this for the cup of coffee,
but the another reason is because I like doing it.
I like making a progress and improving my skills.
And while that, I think I'll wrote a simple note for it on my web :)

Anyways, let's just jump into it guys!


Infix Functions No.1 : apply()

By definition, apply() accepts a function, and sets its scope to the object on which apply has been invoked.

Okay, That means we can initialize an object properties without even explicitly referencing the object itself, of course as long as we declare it inside the scope of apply() itself

Let's take a look about this code :

val sticker = ImageView(this) =
sticker.alpha = (input.transparency / 10f)
sticker.isClickable = false
if (fromURI) {
} else {

as you can see, everytime we set a properties, we need to type the variable name of the ImageView() that we initialize before.
with the apply() infix, we can forget about that variable name :

val sticker = ImageView(this).apply{
id =
alpha = (input.transparency / 10f)
isClickable = false
if (fromURI) {
} else {

Infix Function No.2 : also()

From the description, it calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns this value.
It maybe sounds confusing to beginners like me, but in practical it very simple.

The also() itself will invoke the code inside the scope of also(), but also it taking a this from the parent scope.

Okay, let's try to apply it into our code before :

val sticker = ImageView(this).apply{
id =
alpha = (input.transparency / 10f)
isClickable = false
if (fromURI)
.also{ setColorFilter(input.color) }

So, the setColorFilter() now are inside the also() of setImageResource().
But the context values are still following the apply() of our ImageView().
It allow us to chaining multiple functions but still not forgetting that we're still passing our properties to the objects.


I hope it’s helpful for you. Thanks!


Nanda Oktavera

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